Beauty, health

SMS reminders about the appointed visit, ordering a visit via SMS, calls for further visits - these are basic services of SerwerSMS which can significantly improve the operation of institutions taking care of our health and beauty.


Mobile communication is becoming more and more popular by state and private clinics, reducing the problem of long queues and waiting for a visit and also increasing the comfort for both patients and clinic staff.

Why is it worth?

  • improved effectiveness visits management,
  • image of efficiently managed clinic,
  • reducing the number of canceled visits,
  • easier management of registration work,
  • elimination the problem with capacity of telephone exchange.

SMS registration management

SMS mobile communication can significantly improve the management of registration work, eg. by: SMS records, registration, confirmation or visit cancellation.

If you are interested in this service, in conversation with sales section just ask about mass or single ECO SMS dispatch or FULL SMS dispatch.

SMS notifications or SMS reminders

Beyond the current service of the visits, our system can also be used to report about the results of research and to invite to the periodical and prophylactic investigations and to remind you of required and additional vaccinations. Importantly, once defined dispatch eg., once a year can be performed without engaging the clinic staff.

If you are interested in this service, in conversastion with sales section just aks about planned SMS function.

SMS for employess

Apart from mobile communication with patients, SerwerSMS offers also sending SMS messages to the staff of the clinic. In this way you can send notifications about schedule changes, holiday wishes, etc. interestingly, dispatch can also be initiated without Internet access, eg., by sending an SMS to our systemand with a defined content.

If you are intersted in this service, in conversation with sales section please ask about Forward SMS service.

Beauty salon

Beauty salons around the world including Poland more willingly use mass SMS communication which increases the loyalty of customers and helps salons to increase the profitability of salon by supporting management mechanisms.

Why is it worth?

  • reducing the costs of phone calls,
  • image of a modern salon,
  • increasing the loyalty of customers through SMS reminders,
  • facilitating the booking by implementing SMS reservation,
  • reducing the number of canceled visits.

SMS notifications about the visit

A common problem of beauty salons are scheduled visits to which patients simply do not appear. For salon it generates a measurable financial losses that mobile SMS communication can significantly alleviate it. We offer a service of SMS reminders informing about your visit.

If you are interested in this service, in conversation with sales section please ask about dispatches planning  and creating contact groups.

SMS about offer changes

New services, products, promotions, discounts? SMS is a great form of informing your customers about offer changes.

If you are interested in this service, in conversation with sales section please ask about mass and single dispactch.

SMS reservations

And if to allow the clients to make an appointment via SMS? SerwerSMS provides with service whereby your customers can send a text message asking for a reservation and then the customer receives a message confirming the reservation.

If you are interested in this service, in conversation with sales section please ask about NDI and API remote communication.

Idea list

Applications, Internet

We invite you to the reading-matter of the programmers and electronics engineers.

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Offices, institutions

In these days, the modern office is the mobile office! Simply.

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Mobile loyalty and sales support. Stationary and virtual.

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Real estate

Good offer? Quickly inform interested via SMS!

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Law, finance

Legal and financial support requires quality at the highest mobile level.

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Entertainment, sport

Invitations and reservations or bidirectional SMS communication for the entertainment and sport!

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Transport, shipping

SMS communication with drivers, senders and recipients of consignments.

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Beauty, health

Reminders about visits, SMS appointment booking and many other SMS proposals!

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More modern education at every level.

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Services for companies

Once it was the Internet revolution. Today is mobile revolution!

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Publishing house, media

Mobile communication does not compete with other media but it supports it.

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Representing another industry?

Contact us, our consultants will help you in the selection of solutions.

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